An Output device is an electromechanical device that accepts data from a computer and translate them into a form suitable for use by outside world (users). Output can be in the form of soft copy or hard copy. Soft copy refers to the digital copy which lies on storage device. Hard Copy refers to the printed contents on a paper or some material. We classify them broadly into following categories: 1. Monitor : Monitor is a standard output device. It is known as VDU (Visual Display Unit) or screen. Monitor is used for interactive processing mean the data being fed is displayed on the screen. It looks like as a television. Some of common types of monitors are: i) CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) – The ‘Cathode Ray Tube’ is the picture tube of monitor. It is a vacuum tube that contains a negatively charged cathode that shoots electrons at the back of positively charged screen. ii) LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) – LCD monitor is the advanced form of CRT Monitors. A cold cathode ray and...