
Showing posts from September 26, 2020


Operator : Operator are tokens that does computation(calculation) with designated or given values in expression. Operators when applied on operands form an expression. Operand : Operand is the value or variable on which calculation is performed. Operators are can be classified in three  categorize : 1. Arithmetic Operator : Arithmetic operators are those operators which are used for arithmetic or mathematical calculations. In Python, the arithmetic operators are:   Addition (+) : It is used to sum two operands.  Subtraction (-) : It gives difference between two operands.  Multiplication ( * ) : It gives us product of the two operands.  Division (/) : It gives us Quotient of the two operands. Floor Division ( // ) : It gives us quotient of two  operands(without fractional part). Modules ( % ) : It gives us integer remainder after division of 'a'  by 'b' -(a % b). Exponent ( ** ) : It gives us product of 'a' by itself  'b' times(a to  the power...