Computer Function

A computer performs action and accomplishes its task in three basic stages namely:-
INPUT – Input is the data that is fed into the computer by the user.
PROCESS – Processing refers to the series of action by which the computer converts raw data into information.
OUTPUT – Output is the result which is termed as information.

Input Unit

Data and instructions enter a computer through an input unit in a form that depends upon the input device used. Ex- Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Scanner etc.


CPU is also known as the brain of the “Brain of Computer”. As it appears as a hardware component, but it is also a functional component of a computer system.
Functional Elements of a CPU
       1.       Arithmetic Logic Unit(ALU)
       2.       Control Unit(C.U)
       3.       Memory Unit(M.U)
Arithmetic Logic Unit : -  ALU performs mathematical calculations(addition, subtraction, division, multiplication) and does logical comparisons(Greater than(>), Less than(<), Equal to(=), Not Equal to(!=) ).Logical Operation differentiate between ‘TRUE’ and ‘FALSE’.
Control Unit: - Control Unit co-ordinates and directs the operation of the hardware devices. It also co-ordinates the flow and execution of the data and instructions, that are fed into the computer’s memory.
Memory Unit: - Memory unit or main storage stores the data, instruction, intermediate results and final results that are ready for the output. All instruction or data are stored in the memory unit before being used by the ALU or the CU.
·         The main storage is divided into a number of storage locations that can be accessed by a unique number or address, known as Memory Address.
·         Within the CPU there are high speed, special purpose memory units called Registers.

Output Unit

An output unit performs the reverse operation of that of an input unit. It supplies information obtained from data processing to outside world. It links a computer with its external environment. Ex- Monitor, Printer, Projector, Speaker etc.

Storage Unit

Storage unit of a computer system provides space for storing data and instruction, intermediate results, and results for output.
There are two types of storage:-
Primary storage: - Primary storage of a computer system, also known as main memory, stores pieces of program instructions and data, intermediate results of processing, and recently produced results of those job(s) on which the computer system is currently working. Primary storage is volatile, and it loses the information it as soon as the computer system switches off or resets.
Secondary storage: - Secondary storage of a computer system, also known as auxiliary storage, takes care of the limitations of primary storage. It can retain information even when the computer system switches off or resets. A computer system uses secondary storage to store program instructions, data and information of those jobs on which the computer system is currently not working but needs to hold them for processing later.

#All Topics related to Computer Basic on Below page.

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