A topology represents graphical arrangement of computers or devices. It is geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices (usually called nodes) to one another.
There are basic topologies possible:
1.        Linear Topology
2.        BUS Topology
3.        Ring Topology
4.        Star Topology
5.        Tree Topology
6.        Mesh Topology
Linear Topology: In Linear topology, nodes are connected serially with each other except the last node at both ends. In this topology, the entire network fails in case any node within the network breaks down or is disconnected.

BUS Topology: In bus topology, each node in the network is connected to the single common communication wire and this single communication line is referred as a ‘BUS’. Bus network is the simplest way to connect multiple clients.

Star Topology: In star topology, computers or its devices are not directly linked to each other but they are connected via centralized network component called as ‘HUB’.

The hub acts as a central controller and if a node wants to send data to another node, it can send the same through the hub only. In this the whole network does not fail, even if any of the node is not working.

Ring Topology: In ring topology, computers are placed in a circle of cable without any terminating end since there is no disconnected end. Every node has two neighbors for communication.
        All data travel through the ring (clockwise or anti-clockwise) until they reach their destination in such topology, sometimes the rate of data transfer is more.

Tree Topology: A tree topology combines the characteristics of linear, bus and star topology. It consists of group of networks connected to a bus cable. This topology allows for easy expansion of an existing network.

Mesh Topology: In a mesh topology, every node has dedicated point to point link to every other node. Message sent on a mesh topology can take any of the possible path from source to destination. Though the structure of this connectivity looks quits jumbled up, but it enables a faster flow of data its comparison if other topologies.


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