

Binary arithmetic is simpler to learn because binary number system deals with only two digits - 0 and 1. Binary number perform all arithmetic operation such as Addition, Substraction, Multiplication and compliment as in decimal number system. Binary Addition The addition table for binary arithmetic consist of only the following four entries: 0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1+1=0 , plus a carry of 1 to the next column.     1011        + 1100    10111     1100    + 1100     11000 Binary Substraction There are three ways to do substraction between binary numbers:- 1. Simple Substraction 2. Substraction using 1's Complement 3. Substraction using 2's Complement Simple Substraction: The complete table of binary substraction is as follows: 0-0=0 0-1=1, borrow 1 from next column 1-0=1 1-1=0    1101 - 0101   1000     1001   - 0111    0...


INTRODUCTION TO E-MAIL     Electronic mail (E-mail)  is an electronic message transmitted over internet/computer  network from one user to another. E-mail is a text based mail consisting of lines of  text, and can include file attachments. These attachments could be pictures, documents,  spreadsheets, audio files, video files etc.  The key features of e-mail are as follows: • E-mail can be sent to one person or more than one person at the same time. • The recipient of e-mail can open the e-mail at his/her convenience. • Since messages are transmitted electronically over internet, it is a faster way to  communicate with the people. Persons could be located in the same office, home,  building, or anywhere in the world. • E-mail messages can be sent or received at any time and are typically sent over a  network (office network or more likely internet). • If so desired, a copy of the e-mail message that the sender has sent can be saved ...

Spreadsheet Package Introduction

Spreadsheet Package : A spreadsheet package is an application software that stores data in an organized way and help to  analyse, calculate, compare the data or values. It also enables to present information in graphs, pie charts, histograms, etc. for doing analysis. It is commonly used for generating results, planning budgets, etc.  Some Commonly used spreadsheet packages are MS Excel, Open Office Calc,etc. Features of a Spreadsheet Package: 1. Large Calculations can be done easily and accurately within a short span of time. 2. the data or information can be exported to or imported from other packages. 3. Data or information can be expressed in pictorial form(charts and graphs) 4. The formulae are automatically applied to new data when the value of previous data changes. 5. Large volume of data can be easily organised and manipulated.


Operator : Operator are tokens that does computation(calculation) with designated or given values in expression. Operators when applied on operands form an expression. Operand : Operand is the value or variable on which calculation is performed. Operators are can be classified in three  categorize : 1. Arithmetic Operator : Arithmetic operators are those operators which are used for arithmetic or mathematical calculations. In Python, the arithmetic operators are:   Addition (+) : It is used to sum two operands.  Subtraction (-) : It gives difference between two operands.  Multiplication ( * ) : It gives us product of the two operands.  Division (/) : It gives us Quotient of the two operands. Floor Division ( // ) : It gives us quotient of two  operands(without fractional part). Modules ( % ) : It gives us integer remainder after division of 'a'  by 'b' -(a % b). Exponent ( ** ) : It gives us product of 'a' by itself  'b' times(a to  the power...

Office Package and Features of Office Package

Most of the official jobs today are dependent on computers. Computer helps in accomplishing different types of official tasks with the help of 'Office Package'. With the help of 'Office Package ' to accomplish basic tasks like typing and composing letters, doing calculations and comparisons, manipulation data and generating multiple types of reports, making presentation for demonstration, seminars etc.   For example: MS Office, OpenOffice, etc. Office package includes the following applications: 1. Word Processor:  A word processor is a type of application software that enables to create a documents by enabling to type text, insert page number, header, footer, edit, modify , and to take print or save documents in soft copy for future use.   2. Spreadsheet:   A spreadsheet package is an application software that stores data in an organized way and help to  analyse, calculate, compare the data or values. It also enables to present information in graphs, pie c...

Character Set and Tokens in Python

  Character Set : Character Set in Python consist of  valid characters such as alphabets, digits or special characters that are recognized by the library of Python Language. Alphabets:                         A,B,......Y,Z or a,b,.......y,z. Digits:                               0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 Special Character:      ~!@#$%^&*()_+{}[];:'"\,./<> etc. White spaces    :             Blank space, new line, etc. Token: The smallest individual unit in a program is referred as 'Token'. It is also called Lexical Element or Lexical Unit. It can be categorized as: 1. Keywords : Keywords are the reserved words that has specific function in a program. These words are used while writing program to get desired output. The keywords are executed  as its purp...


The working of a Database starts with creation of tables. There are different elements in database package, all of which work together to make the database package function. Each element has a specific role to play. Some of them:- 1. Field Name: A field name is the identifier of a field as it contains the data that is to be stored in that field. It may consist of letters, numbers and special characters. " It is the name of the column of a table." 2. Field Type: Field type or Data type signifies the type of data which will be entered in a particular field. 3. Properties: Field properties signify the behavior of the field. It helps in keeping the consistency of the data entered by the user. 4. Queries: Queries are the format of requirement of information that can be received on the basis of records stored in a table. 5. Forms: Forms are the layout for the entry of data. They are used as format to let the operatior feed/input data for creating records in a table. 6. Report: Repo...


Database : A database is an organized collection of related information in which facts are properly arranged and stored.  A database is made up of a basic unit called “Table”.  A table is made of different ‘Fields’ and ‘Records’.  Record : Collection of organized data or related facts is called Record.  Field : A field is a collection of same data types.  DBMS (Database Management System): A database Management System is a tool for managing and manipulating information of a database.  The main Functions of a DBMS is:  Creating Database.   Adding Records.  Modifying Records.  Displaying Records.   Storing Records.   Deleting Records.   Generating Reports.   Printing Reports.  Some Example of DBMS: MS Access, My-SQL,etc.  Features of DBMS: DBMS ensures data security. DBMS facilitates the sharing of data among different database. DBMS controls data inconsistency to a large extent. DBMS...